Today we can hardly open a newspaper, watch television or read a magazine without finding warnings about climate change, global warming or the greenhouse effect. It's very much a 21st Century issue.
It's one of the most enduring symbols of the Christmas story. But if any part of the story is susceptible to scientific questioning, this is it. Did one occur at about the right time?
It has been called 'the study of durable rubbish', but here Clive Anderson invites us to see how modern archaeology is Shedding Light on the Bible.
The Christian festival of Easter centres on two great events: the crucifixion of a man, Jesus Christ, and his subsequent resurrection. But what's the evidence that this really happened?
If you were asked the question, 'Are you sure of a place in heaven?' What would you say? Maybe you wonder whether or not there is such a place as heaven?
Do we really need to be baptised? This is a question frequently asked by those who are trusting Jesus Christ for their salvation.