In our story today, Mary gets a real surprise. Can you pretend you have been surprised and take a photo? You could even make a scene to show what you were surprised of. If you would like to, ask your adults if they are happy for you to

Share your challenge on Facebook!

A game for everyone you live with. In our story later, some of the action takes place around an empty tomb.

  • Put a rope or piece of string along the floor. One side of the rope is inside the tomb and the other is outside.
  • Choose one person to give instructions. They need to shout either inside or outside and you have to move to the correct side of the rope as quick as you can.
  • The caller can try and catch you out by pointing inside when they say outside, or call the same instruction several times and by getting faster and faster!
  • If you get it wrong you are out of the game. The last person to be caught out wins!

After having a meal to celebrate a festival called Passover, Jesus goes to a garden with some of his disciples to pray. Once he has finished praying a group of men approach, led by one of Jesus disciples.

Jesus is taken and put on trial by a man called Pilate.

Pilate sends Jesus to be whipped and then killed by being nailed to a cross. Once the soldiers knew that he had died his body was taken and buried in a tomb. Three days later, one of Jesus' friends called Mary goes to the tomb.

Find out more about this story by reading John 19:1-20:18 in the Bible.

Have a chat about these questions with someone at home

  • Why do you think Jesus doesn't want to fight those who have come to arrest him?
  • What did Jesus say he was born and came into this world to do?
  • Why was Mary so upset when Jesus' body wasn't in the tomb?
  • What changed her mind to make her happy?
  • Where does Jesus say he is going?

The Bible tells us that Jesus died so we could be forgiven of all the bad things we have done and to offer us eternal [that means forever] life. Why is the fact that Jesus is alive such good news to us today?

If you would like, ask an adult to help you

Post your answer and reasons on Facebook

Check out these videos which you can sing along to.

  My God's the king of the giants
  My God's the king of the lions
  My God's the king of the creatures of the deep
  My God's the king of me

  Have you heard the story about my friend King Dave?
  Wouldn't let the giant stand in his way
  He said, "Hand me my sling 'cause he's not that tall"
  "My God is bigger, and I'll watch him fall"

  My God's the king of the giants
  My God's the king of the lions
  My God's the king of the creatures of the deep
  My God's the king of me

  Have you heard the one about this guy called Dan?
  Yes, he was a mighty holy praying man
  They said, "Throw him to the den of the scary beasts"
  But God saved our hero from the lion's teeth

  My God's the king of the giants
  My God's the king of the lions
  My God's the king of the creatures of the deep
  My God's the king of me

  This is more than history
  He will do the same for me
  Like Jonah and the whale at sea
  When I'm lost and afraid, all alone in the dark
  You're with me
  Oh, You're with me

  My God's the king of the giants
  My God's the king of the lions
  My God's the king of the creatures of the deep
  My God's the king of me

  My God's the king of the giants
  My God's the king of the lions
  My God's the king of the creatures of the deep
  My God's the king of me
  My God's the king of me

Download, print and complete these fun activities.

Prayer is the special word we use to describe talking to God. God wants us to talk to him.

Jesus would often talk to God and so can we. We can thank him for all the good things he gives us and we can thank him for sending Jesus, and the forgiveness we can have through him.

Dear Lord,
We thank you that you loved us so much that you sent Jesus to save us from all the bad things we do.
We are sorry that we do things that are wrong, please help us to live in a way that makes you happy.
Please help us to learn more about Jesus and the difference that he makes to our lives every day.

Now, if you like you could say thank you to God for anything else or ask him for help with anything that is worrying you.

Easter Garden

Try making an Easter Garden using a flower pot, some stones, sticks and flowers (remember to ask permission to use any flowers in your garden!)

Biscuit Tomb

Or You could try making a version of the tomb from biscuits, sweets and icing.

Empty Paper Tomb

Or you could use a paper plate to make a model of the empty tomb. Why not put Jesus on the outside of the tomb to show that he is definitely alive!


If you missed them, check out the other weeks too: