Land of Moses, monuments and mummies
Author: Clive & Amanda Anderson
Publisher: Day One
ISBN: 978-1846251795
PreviewEgypt, the fabled land of romance, intrigue, mystery, and terror, but above all fabulous wealth and glittering gold... Ever since Napoleon's invasion in the 1790s and the incredible discovery of Tutankhamen's intact tomb in the Valley of the Kings in 1922, the world has been increasingly drawn to books, films, museums and exhibitions that focus on the land of the Pharaohs. Through the pages of this travel guide you are invited, from the comfort of your home, or in Egypt itself, to discover some of the many wonders that the land contains. This guide is predominantly concerned with biblical and Christian history, but also gives a flavour of other times and personalities.
We invite you to travel through Egypt with Abraham, Joseph, Moses, Jeremiah, and Joseph, Mary and the infant Jesus, along with other famous people of history, to discover events that have shaped history and caused generations to wonder about the land that lies either side of the River Nile.
CLIVE ANDERSON is associate pastor here at The Butts Church. He is a member of The British Museum Society, The British Institute for the Study of Iraq, the Egypt Exploration Society and the Tyndale society; he leads tours to the Middle East and around the British Museum and is the author of nine books including Travel with Spurgeon and Travel through Israel in this series.
AMANDA ANDERSON shares Clive's interest in and passion for Egypt and is co-author of this book. Clive and Amanda have one son.
'The blessed land'
Glossary of terms
Ancient Egyptian timeline
Chronology of the major pyramids
List of Egyptian kings with Bible connections
Chief gods of Egypt
Known tombs in the Valley of the Kings
Information for travelling in Egypt
A taste of Egypt
Index of place names, aknowledgements and authors
Meditations on the communion service from a Jewish perspective
Trees, forests and wood in the Bible
Coping with the death of someone close
The gruesome story of Guy Fawkes
In the footsteps of the 'Prince of Preachers'
Land of Promise, Faith and Beauty
Encountering Assyria's great and terrifying ruler